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(present) schweitzer fellows program
Michaela is a graduate fellow in the Columbus-Athens Schweitzer Fellows Program, one of 13 ASF Programs located across the U.S, for the 2021-2022 academic year. Since 2011, the Columbus-Athens Program has supported students who are dedicated to addressing the social determinants of health in underserved local communities, and whose example influences and inspires others. Fellows partner with an existing community agency and receive a stipend of $3,000 to carry out a year-long community service project of at least 200 service hours, of which at least 100 hours involve direct client contact.
This fellowship generously supports Michaela's current service project--the development and facilitation of an online, integrated arts program for adults 50 and older. To see more about Michaela's current project, click here.
(2020 - present) anti-racist working group
A student organization in the department of dance at the Ohio State University. As a member, Michaela has served as facilitator for the Anti-Racist Dance Educators affinity group. She has also co-facilitated a training workshop for incoming department graduate teaching associates titled "Nurturing Classrooms for Social Justice" with colleague, Kaitlyn "KJ" Dye.
(2020 - present) movement exchange at osu
Michaela is the founder and graduate student advisor of OSU's Movement Exchange chapter. Movement Exchange (Move-Ex) unites dance and service through its network of university chapters, international dance exchanges, and year-round programs in underserved communities.
(2019) art moves me
Art Moves Me is a therapeutic dance program held free of charge, designed for people with Parkinson’s Disease, under the direction of Cynthia Pegado. Michaela served as a volunteer teaching assistant, offering classes to senior citizen's at Buffalo, NY's Canalside park.
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